Latest specials and catalogues in Health & Beauty

Are you looking for the latest special offers on products in the Health & Beauty? category? Kimbino has collected and organised them for you! Find leaflets and brochures of your favourite shops, which are full of great discounts.
Don’t forget to check out the most popular brands like Clicks, Avon, Justine and Dis-Chem and many others.

We’re happy to help you with your shopping. There are 3online leaflets available in this section. Here are the latest ones: If you are interested in offers of stores in your city, you can choose from the following list of the most popular towns: Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Adelaide and Pretoria. In case your town is not in the list, you can enter it manually in the top right header.

Don't have time to check all the latest offers? We understand. That's why we've created the mobile Kimbino app, which notifies you via push notifications every time a new leaflet is released. You’ll be the first one to know about new discounts!
We want to reduce waste and, therefore, we appreciate that you have decided to use Kimbino, which replaces thousands of paper leaflets with online versions. The latest special offers in the category Health & Beauty can be browsed anytime and anywhere and at the same time you can help our planet. Isn't it great?