Over the past five years Black Friday, which originated in the United States, has quickly gained popularity around the world. Every year, around the end of November, millions of people flock to the stores to shop the annual Black Friday deals. Thousands of stores take advantage of this day and add hundreds of products, in every category imaginable on sale. The question is, which products are normally the best sellers?
The Black Friday best sellers
Lately, images and videos have submerged of shoppers flocking to stores to get their hands on heavily discounted products. It’s also no secret that stores around the world push their products on this day in order to get the biggest turnover on Black Friday. But which products are the most popular in which countries?
- Black Friday South Africa
- Black Friday United Kingdom
- Black Friday in America
- Black Friday in Hong Kong
Black Friday South Africa
From statistics, the most popular products for South African buyers on Black Friday are clothes and shows, specifically women’s clothes, children’s clothes, high-end sneakers and women’s shoes. Shops such as Woolworths, Jet Stores, Ackermans, Edgars and MR Prices have had the best Black Friday clothing specials in the past.
Black Friday United Kingdom
The British are also keen Black Friday shoppers. In the United Kingdom, the most popular products have been women’s clothing, cosmetics, perfumes and jewellery. They have been spending on average US$99,25 per product.
Black Friday in America
The Americans are also keen clothing and shoe shoppers. These are the two most popular categories in the country. This is closely followed by electronics. Americans spend roughly US$121,25 per product on Black Friday.
Black Friday in Hong Kong
Over the last few years, the most popular products bought on Black Friday in Hong Kong has also been women’s clothes, shoes, cosmetics and perfumes. In Hong Kong, people spend around US$24,41 per product.
It is evident that the most popular products around the globe are clothing, shoes, cosmetics and perfumes, as well as electronics. On Black Friday, people usually spend money easier on products they won’t normally buy due to heavily discounted products and clever marketing tactics by retailers.
How much will shoppers spend this Black Friday 2019
It is predicted that Black Friday 2019 will be just as successful and popular as in previous years. Here are what shoppers are planning to spend in some countries:
- South Africa: R1735.
- Hong Kong: US$83
- Indonesia: US$77
- Nigeria: US$61
- USA: US$485
- Canada: US$430
- United Kingdom: US$397
- Ireland: US$339
- United Arab Emirates: US$291
Having a look at Black Friday online catalogues on Kimbino, it is evident that there will be plenty of incredible deals planned. Many stores have both in-store and online specials, and it is predicted that shoppers will shop on both online stores and at brick-and-mortar shops.
Black Friday is arguably the biggest shopping day of the year in many countries and the ideal day to make a big dent in your holiday savings and to spoil yourself with items you’ve been eyeing. With Black Friday 2019 quickly approaching, be sure to make a note of the best-selling products from previous years. It’s a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on the most popular items this year.